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Olivier Ligny - - 12/01/2013 - vue 53347 fois

How to fix "Config.Msi" errors when installing applications

You may encounter some errors related to "C:\Config.Msi" folder when you try to install a new application.

This folder is "protected" in Windows, or most likely is buggy : its read-only status cannot be removed, something is constantly modifying permissions on it. Removing this read-only status or trying to change permissions has no effect.

Here is a workaround :

1) click on Start button > Run > msconfig

2) select "Diagnostic startup", click OK, then restart your computer

3) click on Start button > Run >services.msc

4) select "Windows Installer" service and start it

5) run your program setup, you should not see any error now :-)

6) click on Start button > Run > msconfig

7) select "Normal startup" (or "Selective startup" depending of your previous choice), click OK, then restart your computer


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MOMO - - 19/01/2016

This methode not working with me
still Erroe 1328 c:confog.msi error
NumFech - 26/07/2016
Thanks!! it works

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